Home Releases 2021, №3 (39)

Democratization and the Code of Sovietism: A Political Analysis of Modern Russian Preferences

Social Philosophy , UDC: 324 DOI: 10.25688/2078-9238.2021.39.3.04


  • Koroleva Larisa Vladimirovna Associate Professor, PhD (Political Science)


In the twentieth century, our state suffered a lot of hard trials, as a result of which certain stages of the Russian statehood were lost, radically changed, or rebuilt. And after each such stage overcome, the society, torn by contradictions, again rallied, revived, lived. What contributed to this? Today, after thirty years of being a renewed and democratized country, we are once again trying to answer this question. Therefore, the purpose of the article was to identify the dependence of the code of Sovietism and the process of democratization of modern Russian society, the influence of these factors on each other and the analysis of the consequences of this influence. The article examines the ongoing adaptation of new political institutions that emerged in Russia as a result of the process of democratization, such as human rights, the institution of the president, parliament, and political parties to the traditional socio-cultural attitudes that manifest themselves in the code of Sovietism. The code of Sovietness originates in the depths of the history of the Russian state, so it can be considered a continuation of the Russian code. It is these codes that constantly influence the historical and modern development of the country, the course of its modernization transformations, slowing down or activating them. In the context of the democratization of Russian society, the code of So-vietism in particular hinders the formation of strong civil relations based on law and the law, developed civic consciousness and reflection. This is reflected in the personification of leaders, the insignificant role of political parties, the Russian parliament, the judiciary, and other political institutions in society. As before, civil society does not share itself with the state, giving it priority and the right to rule over everything and everyone. As a result, citizens continue to rely on the president, and not on themselves or their representatives in government, do not want to influence the power structures, and prefer to distance themselves from them.

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Koroleva, L. V. (2021). Democratization and the Code of Sovietism: A Political Analysis of Modern Russian Preferences Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2021, №3 (39), 37-46. https://doi.org/10.25688/2078-9238.2021.39.3.04
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