Home Releases 2023, № 2 (46)


Philosophy of Education , UDC: 378.141 DOI: 10.25688/2078-9238.2023.46.2.6


  • Kazenina Anna Anatolyevna PhD (Philosophy)
  • Sakharova Maria Viktorovna PhD (Philosophy), Associate Professor


The authors of the article raise the problem of preserving cultural traditions and values that have developed in the course of centuries-old Russian history in the minds of young people, which is significant for the further development of Russian society. As representatives of the younger generation, the article considers students as a special social stratum with an active life position, intellectual abilities and creative abilities. The article presents a problematic analysis of the conditions and prerequisites for the emergence of dissonance between traditions and innovations in Russian society, its impact on the formation of the worldview of the younger generation, the quality of the processes of identification of youth with the socio-cultural environment and its involvement in public life. Consideration of the possibilities of modern education in terms of the development of civil selfdetermination and cultural identity of students is detailed by the authors of the article on the example of educational activities in higher education. As an example of pedagogical practice, the organization of the study of the state holiday as an event of a developing, cultural, educational, patriotic and research orientation is given. The article presents a summary of the initiative student research, conclusions and recommendations of students on improving approaches to the organization and conduct of public holidays. The educational potential of the holiday is considered in the context of its possibilities in the transmission of social knowledge, the preservation of nationaltraditions and the emergence of new values based on existing historical and cultural experience.

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Kazenina, A. A. & Sakharova, M. V. (2023). TRADITIONS AND INNOVATIONS IN THE VALUE PERCEPTION OF THE MODERN STUDENT’S ACTIVITY (EDUCATIONAL POTENTIAL OF LEISURE ACTIVITIES) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, № 2 (46), 68. https://doi.org/10.25688/2078-9238.2023.46.2.6
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