Home Releases 2023, № 2 (46)


Philosophy of Culture , UDC: 316.47 DOI: 10.25688/2078-9238.2023.46.2.4


  • Khilkhanov Dorji Lvovich Doctor of Sociology, full professor


The phenomenon of the Other is the basic basis for the formation of a collective identity. Self-identification I inevitably consists of various elements of other cultures. Other is the most important factor in the formation of cultural identity. Without a meaningful Other there is no complete I. At its core, the attitude towards immigrants is one of the clearest expressions of the cultural and social distance between the Self/Other. In the conditions of the information society, the phenomenon of the Other undergoes transformation processes, therefore, the study of its main markers in modern conditions is an urgent task for us. As a methodological basis, a systematic approach was used to analyze the markers of the cultural border with immigrants as representatives of the collective Other. The results of the World Values Survey (WVS) for Russia for 2017–2020 were analyzed (7 wave). As the WVS study shows, in Russian society there is a fairly tolerant attitude towards speakers of other languages and religions at the level of neighborly everyday communication. This means that language and religion cease to be the main components that distinguish the Other, while in the real virtuality the meaning of the Other is preserved, since the level of trust in him remains low in more than half of the cases. It can be noted that today, such images of the Other come to the fore, which are not made up of historically determined cultural features, such as language and religion, but are constructed on the basis of the alleged negative consequences attributed to them of possible potential damage to society. These images are constructed primarily in the mass media and social networks as the basis of the information society. They present immigrants as homogeneous groups, attributing to all of them, without exception, possible negative behavior patterns. During the crisis caused by modernization, the phenomenon of the Other in Russia is transformed and supplemented by new constructed images in order to maintain the necessary cultural distance.

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Khilkhanov, D. L. (2023). THE PHENOMENON OF THE OTHER IN MODERN CONDITIONS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, № 2 (46), 47. https://doi.org/10.25688/2078-9238.2023.46.2.4
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