Home Releases 2023, № 2 (46)


Social Philosophy , UDC: 1(091) DOI: 10.25688/2078-9238.2023.46.2.2


  • Zhukotskaya Alexandra Vasilievna Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
  • Chernenkaya Svetlana Vasilievna PhD (philosophy)


The authors of the article note the need to supplement the traditional list of global challenges. First, the main global challenges should be highlighted not only in the geopolitical sphere, but also in the socio-cultural and spiritual spheres. Secondly, a unified information and communication space contributes to solving global problems and at the same time generates new challenges. Modern risks (economic, political, technological, environmental and spiritual) reinforce the so-called state of uncertainty of modern society. According to the position of the authors, the traditional scheme of global challenges should also include spiritual challenges, which include the challenge of cosmopolitanism, the struggle for control over the world’s communicative space and attempts to construct social reality using information and communication technologies, the constructed trend for the struggle of identities, the creation of zones of controlled geopolitical instability in the global socio-political space, etc. The authors pay special attention to the challenges faced by the modern scientific community. The analysis of the global challenges of our time is necessary to clarify and understand the spiritual situation of the time.

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Zhukotskaya, A. V. & Chernenkaya, S. V. (2023). GLOBAL CHALLENGES OF MODERNITY AND SPIRITUAL CHOICE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, № 2 (46), 23. https://doi.org/10.25688/2078-9238.2023.46.2.2
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