Home Releases 2022, №3 (43)


Philosophy of Culture , UDC: 316.752 DOI: 10.25688/2078-9238.2022.43.3.4


  • Trubina Natalia Akekseevna Candidate of Philosophical Sciences
  • Mirkushina Lia Rafikovna Candidate of Philosophical Sciences


The article is devoted to the active development of the digitalization of public life, an intensified factor of which was the coronavirus pandemic. The result there is a process of moving communication into the digital space, transposing the vector of society’s value relations. The purpose of the study was to verify the hypothesis about the transformation of moral values in digital communication using an empirical method. The results of the study found that the prerequisites for change are being formed, which distinguishes this study from the previous ones, in which the fact of a complete transformation of moral values and the transition of the modern young generation to the values of the digital environment was previously established. It was found that for the modern young generation, traditional moral values, in particular love and friendship, still remain significant, despite the fact that they are being transferred to a digital format. To date, a moral code has not been formed for building relationships in the digital environment, therefore, it is impossible to track the state of moral values in digital communication, which are of a relative nature, without resorting to empirical methods. The significance of solving this problem through the indicated approach is determined by the fact that a person and moral values in digital reality are a new problem field of modern philosophical anthropology and axiology. The future of society, its spiritual and moral foundations depend on the state of moral values in the modern digital environment. Additional attention to the problem of values in digital communication will help in addressing ethical principles and the formation of a stable environment in society in the future, reducing anxiety and psychological tension. Comprehensive characteristics make it possible to fully assess the scale and dynamics of the digital transition stage, its risks, because such a social agenda will entail an adjustment of the strategy at the state level.

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Trubina, N. A. & Mirkushina, L. R. (2022). TRANSFORMATION OF MORAL VALUES IN DIGITAL COMMUNICATION Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №3 (43), 44. https://doi.org/10.25688/2078-9238.2022.43.3.4
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