Home Releases 2022, №3 (43)


Philosophy of Culture , UDC: 17.02/.03 + 7.011 DOI: 10.25688/2078-9238.2022.43.3.5


  • Babitskaya Olga Petrovna
  • Serenkov Yurij Sergeevich Doctor of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor


The article outlines a range of issues related to the dynamics of the conceptual transformation of creative talent, genius and, more broadly, the patterns of creativity and genius in the context of historical and national civilizational paradigms. Assuming the importance of the presence of so-called ambivalent geniuses in national cultures who realize their scientific and practical productivity in two or more activity spheres, the authors characterize the emerging cultural situation in a post-information/ post-consumer society, justifying the urgent need of social systems for the appearance of people who incorporate the genius of a scientist, an artist, a public figure etc. Based on the research of domestic and foreign scientists, the authors outline points that can become a reference in the perspective of reviewing the criteria of genius in the society of people whose personality formation occurred during the conditional period of the so-called generation Z. Without setting the task of identifying the national-geographical component of the genius-ambivalent, the authors, nevertheless, turn to the latest cultural history of Finland in search of a figure that meets the criterion of genius in the actual sense of the word. Analyzing the career of Erkki Kurenniemi as a physicist, art critic, composer, entrepreneur, thinker-philosopher, the authors show the genius of Kurenniemi as a characteristically Finnish cultural phenomenon. Relying on the provisions of the theory of regional cultural texts, humanitarian geography, the theory of national mentalities and the philosophy of decostructivism, the authors come to the conclusion about the absolutization of the dependence between the stable development of the social system and the formation of new local brands, original products, determined, in turn, by the appearance and manifestation of genius — both at the regional and global levels.

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Babitskaya, O. P. & Serenkov, Y. S. (2022). A GENIUS IN THE INTERIOR OF NATIONAL CULTURE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №3 (43), 57. https://doi.org/10.25688/2078-9238.2022.43.3.5
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