- Glazunov Nikolai Gennadievich Associate Professor, PhD (philosophy)
In the process of development, every society sometimes feels the need to bring its socio-economic and political institutions in line with the changed socio-economic situation and the needs of the population. This process is objective in nature, and can proceed according to two main scenarios. In the first one, the modernization of society is carried out under the clear leadership of the government, based on goals and priorities defined by it. In the second scenario, the need for social transformation is fulfilled spontaneously, based on the priorities of the most active forces of society without any regard for the opinion of the authorities. In that case, as a rule, a social system deteriorates or ceases to exist in its original form.
The purpose of the article is to consider the functions of power in the context of social modernization. The empirical material of the study is the experience of transformations in China and the Soviet Union in the 1970-80-s reflected in socio-economic and political studies, official documents and memoirs of the people involved. The main method is a comparative analysis of the Soviet and Chinese practices of social transformation.
Maintaining the manageability of social processes allowed the Chinese leadership to carry out systematic structural transformations without subjecting society to excessive stress, while at the same time maintaining the usual ideological and value structure. The Soviet experience was just the opposite. The government in the era of perestroika quickly lost its central role in determining the goals and pace of transformation and, as a result, lost control over the socio-economic and political processes in the country, which inevitably led to the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The main conclusion of the study: in the process of deploying structural transformations and involving an increasing number of social groups and institutions in this process, the activity of the government should increase proportionally, defending its role as the main guiding force of social transformations which determines the priority of the tasks facing society and ways to solve them. Otherwise, a positive change in the quality of the social system is less likely than its demise.
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Glazunov, N. G. (2021). Authority and Social Modernization: Comparative Analysis of the Soviet and Chinese Experience Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2021, №3 (39), 19-27.
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