- Muzafarova Nelly Ilinichna Doctor of History, Full Professor, Professor of the All-University Department of World and Russian History, Moscow City University. E-mail:
The article considers the concept of the Christian philosopher I.A. Ilyin on the formation of religious moral values of young people. In accordance with the epoch of the New
Age of the industrial development of the country and its entry into the stage of imperialism, the main task is to form an educated, professionally prepared and demanded individual by a society, able to socialize according to its interests and opportunities.
How to link insert
Muzafarova, N. I. (2018). I.A. Ilyin on Spiritual and Moral Values and the Formation of Personality Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2018, №4 (28), 76-81.
Il'in I.A. Sobr. soch. M.: Rus. kn., 1993. T. 1. 400 s.
Il'in I.A. Sobr. soch. M.: Rus. kn., 1993. T. 2. 496 s.