- Zhulev Vladislav V.
The article is devoted to the consideration of the formation of politics as a science in the 12th century. The first part of the study examines the widespread point of view on the intellectual history of political philosophy in the Middle Ages, clearly presented by Walter Ullmann in many works, which assigns the main role to Aristotle’s «Politics». The translation of this text is considered as the beginning of the conceptual revolution, which marked the return of politics to Europe. The second part examines the didactic works of a number of authors of the 12th century, who introduced the concept of «politics» and tried to define the essence and place of this science. Such authors as Hugo of Saint-Victor, William of Conches, Geoffroy of Saint-Victor, Dominicus Gundissalinus and other representatives of the Renaissance of the 12th century reflected in their works the gradual emergence of an entire system of knowledge consisting of many sciences, among which politics, attributed to practical disciplines, found its place. It is emphasized that Walter Ullmann’s model does not stand up to scrutiny and that politics owes its appearance not to the translation of Aristotle’s Politics, but to the efforts of the 12th-century authors who created a system of scientific knowledge. All this allows us to conclude that the text of Aristotle’s Politics became necessary after the work carried out by the 12th-century authors, which allowed it to be included in the intellectual space of the late Middle Ages.
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Zhulev, V. V. (2024). ON THE ISSUE OF THE REVIVAL OF POLITICS IN MEDIEVAL EUROPE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (52), 105.
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