Home Releases 2023, №3 (47)


Social Philosophy , UDC: 130 DOI: 10.25688/2078-9238.2023.47.3.2


  • Kovalev Andrey Andreevich Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Larionov Aleksey Edislavovich Candidate of Historical Sciences


The article deals with the philosophical concepts of understanding the phenomenon of war in the ancient and medieval period. It was revealed that the change in the socio-historical and political conditions of the existence of mankind changed the attitude towards the war. It is shown that man and attempts to realize his place in the universe directly influenced the dominance of one or another military-philosophical idea. The purpose of the study is to study the views of ancient and medieval philosophers devoted to understanding the phenomenon of war. The key methodological approach of this study is the retrospection of the philosophical ideas and concepts of ancient and medieval thinkers devoted to understanding the phenomenon of war. Thanks to this approach, it becomes possible to analyze the formation and development of views on the phenomenon of war and peace, which have not lost their relevance since ancient civilizations to the present. It is proved that the cyclical nature of history directly affects the worldview attitudes reflected in the philosophy of a particular period. Further study of the problem under consideration will allow us to trace the path of formation and development of the philosophical understanding of such a phenomenon as war.

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Kovalev, A. A. & Larionov, A. E. (2023). PHILOSOPHICAL UNDERSTANDING OF WAR: EXPERIENCE OF COMPARATIVE RETRO-ANALYSIS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №3 (47), 23. https://doi.org/10.25688/2078-9238.2023.47.3.2
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