- Chernenkaya Svetlana Vasilievna PhD (philosophy)
- Smirnova Alfia Islamovna Doctor of Philology, Professor
The article presents a vision of the course “Social Urbanism”, the introduction to which, according to the author, can be “Moskvovedenie”. The course, being practiceoriented, must include material on the study of specific cities, including Moscow. But, if in the framework of Moskvovedenie the history of the city is considered as a sequence of historical events, then the course of social urbanism studies the influence of the city (Moscow) on its inhabitants and the influence of citizens on the change, the formation of urban space. Accordingly, within the framework of the course “Social Urbanism”, the task is to develop the ability to observe a modern city (“walk, stare and tell”), systematically analyze the processes taking place in urban space, to form an understanding among students that they can influence the change, the construction of urban space. Moskvovedenie, covering the life of historical and modern Moscow, helps to correlate the general questions of the course with specific material, to move from the constation of processes and facts to the description and interpretation of the semantic space of a particular city, to the hermeneutics of the city. Relying on specific material allows you to reveal the basic concepts of the course: “the right to the city”, “urban identity”, “involvement in urban space”, etc.
It is noted that urban space cannot be designed only for relaxation and entertainment. The right to the city includes the right to participate in the life of the city and the right to appropriate social space. The appeal to Moskvovedenie results not only in updating and enriching relevant information, but also in understanding the mechanism of interaction between the city and citizens.
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Chernenkaya, S. V. & Smirnova, A. I. (2022). MOSKVOVEDENIE AND SOCIAL URBAN STUDIES: BASIC PRINCIPLES AND TEACHING EXPERIENCE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №2 (42), 57.
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