- Chernenkaya Svetlana Vasilievna PhD (philosophy)
The author of the article highlights the change in the relationship “science – society” caused by the penetration of media into the field of scientific activity. Attention is drawn to the fact that the media and the scientific community present scientific information to the mass audience in different ways. If scientists and scientific journalists set
a goal to enlighten, interest, and captivate a wide audience with science, then scientific popularization in modern media, alienated from the scientific community, primarily entertains it.
The article examines the mechanisms for incorrect reflection in the media of scientific information presented not by the scientific community, but by people who are not related to science. It is noted that the modern scientific community is faced with a dilemma: either to become an object of media manipulation, or to become an independent subject of the dissemination of scientific knowledge in the media space, increasing confidence in science and the attractiveness of its image in society.
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Chernenkaya, S. V. (2024). SCIENCE AND SOCIETY IN THE CONTEXT OF MEDIATIZATION Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (52), 72.
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