- Ermolenko Galina Alekseevna Doctor of Philosophy
- Kozhevnikov Sergey Borisovich Doctor of Philosophy
The article analyzes the phenomenon of political consciousness as the most important factor in human social life. The structure of political consciousness, the main elements of political consciousness are considered. Political consciousness is studied in the context of culture, the connections of political institutions and culture, language, and value systems are explored. Special attention is paid to the study of the nature of the political symbol, the features of the political symbol are considered, examples of political symbols are given, their sacred meaning is shown. Political consciousness is interpreted as an expression of political discourse. Political discourse defines the shape of political culture, its content and dominants. The peculiarities of political socialization determine the specifics of civic consciousness, form the foundations of political identity of citizens. The authors conclude that political culture and political consciousness play a crucial role in the formation of civic consciousness.
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Ermolenko, G. A. & Kozhevnikov, S. B. (2024). POLITICAL CONSCIOUSNESS AND CIVIC IDENTITY Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (52), 8.
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