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Social Philosophy , UDC: (091) DOI: 10.25688/2078-9238.2024.51.3.1


  • Vasiliev Vyacheslav A. Doctor of philosophy, Professor
  • Yegoryan Tamara G.


The article analyzes the genesis of a peculiar cultural explosion that took place in Armenia in the 5th century. The historical, political and economic conditions in which Armenia was located could not favorably influence the development of culture at all. The author, analyzing the unstable conditions of the state, shows the paradoxical nature of the sharp cultural development during this period. Against the backdrop of the loss of state independence and national cohesion, a pleiad of talents and thinkers appeared on the historical arena. The masterpieces they created became not only the basis of cultural prosperity, but also strengthened the sense of national belonging and self-consciousness. The golden age of Armenia’s spiritual culture became the guarantee of the nation’s existence and thanks to these spiritual values, Armenians were able to overcome many trials, survive the genocide and restore their independence.

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Vasiliev, V. A. & Yegoryan, T. G. (2024). PARADOXIALITY OF THE GOLDEN AGE OF ARMENIA’S SPIRITUAL CULTURE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 3 (51), 8. https://doi.org/10.25688/2078-9238.2024.51.3.1
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