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The History of Ideas and Modernity , UDC: 32.019.51 DOI: 10.25688/2078-9238.2024.50.2.3


  • Tkachenko Alexander Vladimirovich Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Osmolovskaya Svetlana Mikhailovna PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor


The article continues the study of the socio-philosophical and sociological concepts of two outstanding European thinkers, Alexis de Tocqueville and Vilfredo Pareto, begun in the previous issue of the journal. Among the problems that they studied, this time the following were highlighted: some ways of forming public consciousness, the advantages and disadvantages of democracy, the relationship between the elite and the masses, the social functions of religion, social forecasting and others. An analytical analysis of the theories of these French and Italian thinkers is accompanied by a passing comparison of their views with the concepts of prominent philosophers, sociologists, political scientists and economists of the 19th-20th centuries. When describing the views of Tocqueville and Pareto, the assessment and interpretation they gave to individual social processes is emphasized. Particular attention is paid to those ideas of two scientists that can be considered relevant for our time. In conclusion, similar and different ideological positions of Tocqueville and Pareto are listed.

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Tkachenko, A. V. & Osmolovskaya, S. M. (2024). SOCIAL RELATIONS IN THE CONCEPTS OF ALEXIS DE TOCQUEVILLE AND VILFREDO PARETO Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 2 (50), 34. https://doi.org/10.25688/2078-9238.2024.50.2.3
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