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Research of Young Scientists’ Research , UDC: 141.7 DOI: 10.25688/2078-9238.2024.50.2.7


  • Bugaev Maksim Konstantinovich


In the modern conditions of globalism, scientism and technocracy, which are most characteristic of European culture, man is gradually losing his purpose. Thinking is becoming more and more subject to prejudice. The value orientations coming from within are becoming more and more blurred, replaced by externally imposed patterns. In this regard, arises an urgent need for a decisive revision of the foundations of the European rationalist worldview that is undergoing the crisis. This paper attempts to philosophically rethink the problem of the axiological crisis of the European archetype of man through the prism of the phenomenological trend in philosophy. The phenomenological approach, which implies excluding unnecessary components from the worldview, is strictly irrational, which makes it a useful method of ideological purification, enabling a return to the zero point in order to rebuild the entire value system of both the individual and society as a whole. The subject of critical assessment is the rationality, which is historically characteristic of European culture, as well as the phenomena arising from it in philosophy, science, religion and politics. The main purpose of the article is to review the main crisis-provoking axiological aspects of European rationalism in a historical context from the standpoint of both the classics of phenomenology (F. Brentano, E. Husserl) and the forerunners of this trend (F. Nietzsche, W. James), as well as to identify the advantages of the phenomenological methods proposed by the mentioned philosophers in solving certain ethical problems. The conducted research showcases the relevance of the phenomenological method in the modern days, as due to the historically developed rationalistic axiology, modern European man is becoming more and more objectified, subject-subject relations continuing to disappear. This tendency emphasizes both the clear disruption of the social value foundations and the need for their phenomenological reassessment.

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Bugaev, M. K. (2024). ON THE DECLINE OF EUROPEAN RATIONALITY FROM THE STANDPOINT OF THE EARLY PHENOMENOLOGICAL TRADITION Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 2 (50), 86. https://doi.org/10.25688/2078-9238.2024.50.2.7
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