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Social Philosophy , UDC: 304.2 DOI: 10.25688/2078-9238.2024.50.2.1


  • Dzhuad Yuliya Yurevna Cand. Sci (Philosophy)


The article examines intercultural inclusion as a component of the concept of an inclusive society and as one of the aspects of sociocultural inclusion. Interdisciplinary analysis includes: historical consideration of the problem of intercultural inclusion as part of the concept of an inclusive society; ethnopsychological consideration of the problem of intercultural communication, the formation of intercultural competence and the role of intercultural sensitivity; philosophical (historical-philosophical, socio-philosophical and sociocultural) consideration of the context of emergence and ways to overcome obstacles that arise on the path of intercultural inclusion in the context of modern Russian society. The results of interdisciplinary analysis made it possible to formulate recommendations for subjects of intercultural communication and identify the field of education as the optimal environment for the development of intercultural competence, which is the most important condition for the implementation of the intercultural inclusion project in our society.

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Dzhuad, Y. Y. (2024). INERCULTURAL INCLUSION: SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIO-PHILSOPHICAL ANALYSIS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 2 (50), 8. https://doi.org/10.25688/2078-9238.2024.50.2.1
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