Home Releases 2023, № 2 (46)


The History of Ideas and Modernity , UDC: 141.336+141.32 DOI: 10.25688/2078-9238.2023.46.2.3


  • Makaev Rustam Saychelimovich
  • Kozhevnikov Sergey Borisovich Doctor of Philosophy


Sufism is an Islamic mystical trend that emphasizes spiritual growth and inner faith. He encourages the pursuit of knowledge beyond traditional religion and values personal freedom, inner peace, social justice and egalitarianism. Sufism also emphasizes living in harmony with other people and nature, promoting mutual understanding and acceptance between different people and beliefs. Sufism strives for a peaceful, just and equal society through spiritual humanism. R. Nasyrov believes that the study of Sufism requires going beyond Islamic studies and comparing it with other cultures [Nasyrov, 2009, p. 13]. A comprehensive analysis is necessary to understand Sufism and its socio-philosophical doctrines. Sufism is not just a philosophy, but an empirical teaching about asceticism for self — knowledge. This study shows the connection between Sufism and the divine and confirms the idea that man comprehends the divine. Sufism helps to understand the immanent and transcendent nature of man, while the Sufi personality is at the center of this understanding. The origin of Sufism cannot be reconstructed only from a philosophical point of view, since it is based on the internal elements of the universal religion of the Prophet Muhammad. According to Sufi experts Inayat Khan and Idris Shah, Sufism has always existed and used different names throughout history. It represents a subconscious aspect of human nature and satisfies a collective unconscious need.

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Makaev, R. S. & Kozhevnikov, S. B. (2023). THE PROBLEM OF RESEARCH METHODOLOGY OF THE HISTORY OF SUFISM Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, № 2 (46), 32. https://doi.org/10.25688/2078-9238.2023.46.2.3
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