Home Releases 2023, №1 (45)


Research of Young Scientists’ Research , UDC: 17.023.32:355.16 DOI: 10.25688/2078-9238.2023.45.1.8


  • Repetenko Alexander Leonidovich


The article deals with the problem of preservation and continuity of the traditions of the Russian pre-revolutionary army in the process of formation of a new type of army — the Red army of the young Soviet state; analyzes the reasons that led to the decomposition of the Russian tsarist army; the characteristic features of the appeal to the traditions of the Russian army in the social system of the developing military organization — the Red Army are singled out and described.

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Repetenko, A. L. (2023). THE PROBLEM OF CONTINUITY OF TRADITIONS IN THE PROCESS OF FORMING A NEW TYPE ARMY — THE RED ARMY (SOCIAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL ASPECT) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №1 (45), 101. https://doi.org/10.25688/2078-9238.2023.45.1.8
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