Home Releases 2022, №4 (44)


Social Philosophy , UDC: 101.1:316 DOI: 10.25688/2078-9238.2022.44.4.3


  • Ismailov Nurmagomed Omarovich сandidate of Philosophical Sciences


The article examines some issues of the concept of sustainable development of society and possible relations between generations in the context of the concept of justice. Special attention is paid to the global problems of our time and the possible way to solve them, the need to preserve the ecological balance of nature, to ensure favorable living conditions for future generations. The author interprets the concept of sustainable development and fair treatment of future generations as tools in reflecting the realities of the modern world and tries to identify ideas in them that can be used in modern society to solve these problems. The author explores the sustainable development of society and justice in relations between generations in the context of a materialistic understanding of history, from the point of view of the interrelation of needs, interests and values. The study of the concept of sustainable development and intergenerational relations requires a reassessment of social values and contributes to the formation of a new worldview that will be aimed at preserving nature and transmitting it to future generations. Modern interpretations of global problems are a reflection of new historical realities.

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Ismailov, N. O. (2022). SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIETY AND FAIR TREATMENT OF FUTURE GENERATIONS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №4 (44), 37. https://doi.org/10.25688/2078-9238.2022.44.4.3
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