Home Releases 2022, №1 (41)

BOOK REVIEW: Karpov V. E., Karpova I. P., Kulinich A. A. Social communities of robots: Emotions and temperament of robots. Communication robots. Models of contagious, imitative and aggressive behavior of robots. Team behavior of robots and the formation of coalitions. Spatial memory animat. M.: LENAND, 2019. 352 p.

The Scientific Life , UDC: 004.8 DOI: 10.25688/2078-9238.2022.41.1.09


  • Mapelman Valentina Mikhailovna Doctor of Philosophy, professor

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Mapelman, V. M. (2022). BOOK REVIEW: Karpov V. E., Karpova I. P., Kulinich A. A. Social communities of robots: Emotions and temperament of robots. Communication robots. Models of contagious, imitative and aggressive behavior of robots. Team behavior of robots and the formation of coalitions. Spatial memory animat. M.: LENAND, 2019. 352 p. Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №1 (41), 100. https://doi.org/10.25688/2078-9238.2022.41.1.09
1. 1. Apresyan, R. G. (2017). Etika [Ethics]. Moskow: KNORUS. 356 p. (In Russian).
2. 2. Karpov, V. E., Gotovtsev, P. M., & Roizenzon, G. V. (2018). K voprosam ob etike v sistemakh iskusstvennogo intellekta [To questions about ethics in artificial intelligence systems]. Philosophy and Society, (87 (2)), 84–105. (In Russian).
3. 3. Karpov, V. E., Karpova, I. P., & Kulinich, A. A. (2019). Sotsial`nye soobshchestva robotov: emotsii i temperament robotov. Obshchenie robotov. Modeli kontagioznogo, podrazhatel`nogo i agressivnogo povedeniia robotov. Komandnoe povedenie robotov i obrazovanie koalitsii. Prostranstvennaia pamiat` animata [Social communities of robots: emotions and temperament of robots. Communication of robots. Models of contagious, imitative and aggressive behavior of robots. Team behavior of robots and formation of coalitions. Spatial memory of the animat]. Moskow: LENAND. 352 p. (In Russian).
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