- Gorina Irina Vladimirovna Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences
- Kovalenko Svyatoslav Y
The article analyzes the problems of the philosophy of the name as a mystery of the individual in the context of religious and sacred knowledge and philosophical
discourse of A. F. Losev. The concept of a name as a constant value, a «smart number», which goes back to the direction of Adamism in the poetry of the Russian acmeist N. S. Gumilev and the theological disputes on «nameslav», is actualized. Based on the analytical review, the definition of mythopoesis is given as an eidetic expression of the idea of the sacredness of the word and the magic of number, which becomes fundamental for the philosophy named after A. F. Losev. It is in his worldview that the name acquires the symbolic meaning of the eidetic, meonic and hyletic number as the mythological foundation of the cosmos.
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Gorina, I. V. & Kovalenko, S. Y. (2021). The Philosophy of the Name as the Secret of Creativity, by A. F. Losev: From a «Smart Number» to a Symbol Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2021, №4 (40), 59.
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