Home Releases 2021, №4 (40)

Ideas Genesis in Communication Processes Between Intellectuals (Case of M. Oakshott and Cambridge School Polemic)

The History of Ideas and Modernity , UDC: 1(091):316 DOI: 10.25688/2078-9238.2021.40.4.04


  • Ravochkin Nikita Nikolaevich Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences


The development of the problematic of comprehending the genesis, as well as the subsequent development of ideas produced by intellectuals, is relatively new for modern philosophy. The relevance of understanding the functioning of ideas in time and space is also coupled with the logic of the study of all philosophical thought. Moreover, today ideas are gradually returning the status of a material force for the implementation of certain social transformations. Operationalization of ideas is associated with comprehending the vectors of intellectual search and building a clear picture that captures the discourses prevailing at certain time periods. One of the most important contradictions of the present is the insufficient elaboration of the sections of the ideological-oriented search against the background of increasing general expectations from the results of the activities of intellectuals for the evolutionary practices of modern society. In order to reveal the stated topic, the author’s position is based on the comparative analysis and theoretical and methodological approach of R. Collins, which considers communication between intellectuals through networks. In addition, the author turns to methods of analytical reconstruction, reviews and critical assessments. This article is devoted to the analysis of a case designed to reveal the peculiarities of communication between intellectuals and to show the development of specific research through the interaction and polemics of some factions with others. The essential characteristics of networks are presented. The issues of continuity between generations of participants in intellectual associations are highlighted. The article provides a description of the research of representatives of the Cambridge School, who tried to build a practice-oriented social philosophy and focused on the study of liberalism and democratic societies. The article shows in detail the polemic of M. Oakeshott, conducted with the Cambridge citizens, who considered the political from a pronounced conservative position. In conclusion, theses on the relevance of Oakeshott’s ideas are presented and an opinion is expressed about their subsequent development in various discourses.

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Ravochkin, N. N. (2021). Ideas Genesis in Communication Processes Between Intellectuals (Case of M. Oakshott and Cambridge School Polemic) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2021, №4 (40), 48. https://doi.org/10.25688/2078-9238.2021.40.4.04
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