Home Releases 2021, №3 (39)

Soviet Education: Tradition and Modernity

Philosophy of Education , UDC: 37:01 DOI: 10.25688/2078-9238.2021.39.3.07


  • Popova Tatyana Vladimirovna PhD (History), Associate Professor
  • Sukhorukova Olga Alexandrovna PhD (History), Associate Professor


The Soviet civilization left a great legacy, it arouses scientific interest among researchers. In this legacy, the Soviet doctrine of education occupies a special place; it is to it that representatives of both scientific and pedagogical circles turn today. This is not accidental, because the issue of the educational system, its continuity with the historical past and the relationship with the present is due to the creation of the future prospects for the development of Russia, the modernization of our state, which is impossible without taking into account the socio-cultural foundations of the national tradition. This determined the purpose of this study: to consider on what socio-cultural basis the process of the formation of the Soviet doctrine of education took place and to what extent and in what form the principles of this doctrine were preserved in modern society. The article discusses the features of the Soviet educational discourse: consistency and democratization. Analyzing the Soviet legacy, the authors pay attention to polytechnic education, its origins and its transformation during the creation of the Soviet state. The key points of the national tradition in the field of pedagogical thought and practice, which were co-opted into the Soviet educational doctrine while maintaining the communist ideology, taking into account the historical realities of the Soviet period, are considered. Turning to the modern educational system of Russia and solving the problem of the continuity of modern education with the principles of the Soviet doctrine, the following conclusions were made: the modern educational discourse inherited the ideas of the Soviet doctrine. These include the following: the idea of a harmoniously developed personality; accessibility of education for all; fundamental and systemic education; the idea of free and creative labor. But in the conditions of information culture, without a given image of the future, when the cultural and political elite of Russia has not created an ideological paradigm corresponding to the new realities of modern society, this heritage is transformed and loses its meaning.

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Popova, T. V. & Sukhorukova, O. A. (2021). Soviet Education: Tradition and Modernity Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2021, №3 (39), 68-85. https://doi.org/10.25688/2078-9238.2021.39.3.07
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