Home Releases 2018, №1 (25)

Transformations of Socio-Cultural Practices in Urban Public Space (on the Example of Moscow)

[ Society: Values and Meanings
1. 1. Arxeologiya periferii. Moskovskij urbanisticheskij forum, 2013. 529 s.
2. 2. Vy'sokovskijA.A. [Soch.: v 3 t.]. M.: Grey Matter, 2015. T. I. Theory. 436 s. T. II.
3. Practic. 400 s. T. III. Public. 352 s.
4. 3. Gruppy' uchastnikov kul'turnoj zhizni Moskvy'. M.: Moskovsk. in-t sociokul'turny'x programm, 2013. 11 s.
5. 4. Doklad o proektax preobrazovaniya goroda sredstvami kul'tury'. World Cities Culture Forum / per. Moskovsk. in.-ta sociokul'turny'x programm, 2015. 110 s.
6. 5. Kak izmenit' gorod. M.: Centr e'konomiki kul'tury' i gorodskogo razvitiya, 2016.
7. 26 s.
8. 6. Florida R. Kto tvoj gorod? Kreativnaya e'konomika i vy'bor mesta zhitel'stva. M.: Strelka Press, 2014. 368 s.
9. 7. Harvi D. Pravo na gorod // Logos. 2008. № 3. S. 80-94.
10. 8. Carr S. Public Space / S. Carr (et all). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. 420 р. (Cambridge Series in Environment and Behavior).
11. 9. Low S. The erosion of public space and the public realm: paranoia, surveillance and privatization in New York City // City and Society. 2006. V. 18, n. 1. Pp. 43-49.
12. 10. Low S., Taplin D., Scheld S. Rethinking urban parks Austin: University of Texas
13. Press, 2006. 240 р.
14. 11. World Cities Report 2016: Urbanization and Development — Emerging Futures. N. Y.: The United Nations, 2016. 248 p.
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