Home Releases 2018, №3 (27)

Axiomatization of the Humanities — the Imperative of the Digital Age

History of Philosophy , UDC: 111
1. Aristotel’. Vtoraya аnalitika // Soch.: v 4 t. T. 2. M.: My’sl’, 1978. S. 255–347.
2. Aristotel’. Metafizika // Soch.: v 4 t. T. 1. M.: My’sl’, 1976. S. 63–369.
3. Aristotel’. O nebe // Soch.: v 4 t. T. 3. M.: My’sl’, 1981. S. 263–379.
4. Aristotel’. Fizika // Soch.: v 4 t. T. 3. M.: My’sl’, 1981. S. 59–262.
5. Devyatkov V.V. Sistemy’ iskusstvennogo intellekta. M.: Izd-vo MGTU
6. im. N.E’. Baumana, 2001. 355 s.
7. Djidjian R. Kriticheskij analiz «Aksiomatiki vsex vozmozhny’x filosofskix uchenij»
8. E’berxarda Rogge // Vestnik Erevanskogo universiteta. 1991. № 3. S. 67–76.
9. Djidjian R. Ponimanie kak central’naya problema razrabotki iskusstvennogo
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11. // Mudrost’. 2015. № 1 (4). S. 51–65.
12. Djidjian R. Obshhaya xarakteristika logiki nauchnogo issledovaniya // Oganyan K. i dr.
13. Metodologicheskij analiz genezisa nauchnoj teorii. SPb.: Izd-vo SPbGE’U, 2018. S. 282–299.
14. Oganesyan A. Erevanskaya shkola argumentacii // Oganyan K. i dr. Metodologicheskij
15. analiz genezisa nauchnoj teorii. SPb.: Izd-vo SPbGE’U, 2018. S. 243–281.
16. Djidjian R. Building the logic of scientific thinking // Main Issues of Pedagogy
17. and Psychology. 2011. 3. Pp. 164–1737.
18. Djidjian R. Getting Ready for Great Discoveries. Yerevan: Yerevan state university
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20. Gardner M. Logic Machines and Diagrams. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1958. 165 p.
21. Hayes-Roth F. The meaning and mechanics of intelligence. MIT, July, 1971. R. 1.
22. Hovhannisyan H. Meta-Argumentation from the Perspective of Metaphilosophy //
23. News and Views. Vol. 4. No 1 (31). 2012. International Academy for Philosophy Press,
24. Yerevan (Armenia) – Athens (Greece) – Berkeley (USA). Pp. 47–56.
25. Hovhannisyan H. Meta-Argumentation as an Argumentation Metatheory [E’lektronny’j
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28. Hovhannisyan H. and Djidjian R. Building a General Theory of Meta-Argumentation
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31. Hovhannisyan H. Problems of Argumentation in Medieval Armenian Philosophy //
32. Wisdom. 2017. 1 (8). Rp. 81–94.
33. Hovhannisyan H. Argumentation Issues in the Context of the History of Armenian
34. Philosophical Thought. Book 1. Three Outlines: YeznikKoghbatsi, David Anhaght,
35. GrigorTatevatsi. Publishing House of the National Academy of Sciences of RA. Yerevan, 2005.
36. McCarthy J. A proposal for the Dartmouth summer research project on artificial
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38. I.B.M. Corporation, Bell Telephone Laboratories. August 31, 1955. 14 р.
39. McCorduck P. Machines Who Think (2nd ed.), Natick, MA: A. K. Pe-ters, Ltd.,
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41. Newell A. and Simon H. The Logic Theory Machine. A Complex Infor-mation
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44. Newell A., Shaw J.C., Simon H.A. Report on a general problem-solving program.
45. Proceedings
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47. Rogge E. Axiomatik alles möglichen Philosophierens. Melserihelm, 1950. 229 р.
48. Russell S.J., Norwig P. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (2nd ed.), Upper
49. Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall, 2003. 1082 р.
50. Turing A. Computing Machinery and Intelligence. Mind, LIX (236), 433–460,
51. 1950.
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