- Rekesheva Farida M. Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor
Modern Russian elitological science has been developing since the late 1980s, when the term itself appeared in the scientific literature for the first time and the first
theoretical justification of the comprehensive approach to the study of the elites’ phenomenon was given (G. K. Ashin). Since that time, Russian elitology has put a lot of effort in its science-building. Entire scientific schools have emerged, theoretical orientations have appeared, specific approaches to the study of the nature of the elite have been formed. In the present article, we will touch upon only one scientific elitological school, which was formed on the basis of the astrakhan branches of philosophical (RPS) and political science (RUPSA and RSPS) societies. Unfortunately, many scientific schools are characterized by the lack of socialization and inclusion in the system of socio-political relations with local authorities. The schools develop often in isolation from each other and resemble separate islands of elitological thought with no contacts with each other. The academic space sometimes simply lacks information about their activities. Therefore, this paper is intended to partially fill this information vacuum and make a historiographical contribution to the overall picture of the development of Russian elitology.
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Rekesheva, F. M. (2024). FEATURES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN RUSSIAN ELITIST SCIENCE (ASTRAKHAN SCHOOL OF RESEARCH) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (52), 31.
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