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Social Philosophy , UDC: 130 DOI: 10.24412/2078-9238-2024-452-17-30


  • Kovalev Andrey Andreevich Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor


The article discusses specific measures and initiatives aimed at preventing the negative consequences of the threat of spiritual and moral impact on the Russian national mentality. In particular, we are talking about the threat of the destruction of moral and cultural norms, religious foundations, the institution of marriage and family values. The main research methods are historical-genetic and network. The results of the conducted research are based on the fact that the protection of the national mentality is considered as a key direction in the implementation of the security function of modern Russia. At the same time, it is noted that the Russian people in this process are assigned the role not of an outside observer, but of an active transformative actor. The role of a number of subjects of state power and public organizations in overcoming the considered spiritual and moral threat is presented and disclosed separately.

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Kovalev, A. A. (2024). OVERCOMING THE THREAT OF SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE ON THE RUSSIAN NATIONAL MENTALITY AS A FACTOR OF ENSURING SECURITY Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (52), 17. https://doi.org/10.24412/2078-9238-2024-452-17-30
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