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Social Philosophy , UDC: 177 DOI: 10.25688/2078-9238.2024.51.3.2


  • Stozhko Dmitrii Konstantinovich Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Stozhko Konstantin Petrovich Doctor of Historical Sciences


The article examines the issues of formation and transformation of the value foundations of modern economic activity. The multidimensional nature of the spiritual concept and the multi-vector nature of the development of economic activity in modern conditions are revealed. Various types of business entities and their value priorities are identified and analyzed. A hierarchy of value bases in various types of society has been revealed. The features of the formation of the spiritual and value foundations of the Russian business world, which ensured its spiritual and social community and unity, are shown. The ideas of domestic (I. A. Ilyin, I. T. Pososhkov, V. S. Solovyov, etc.) and Western (T. Veblen, W. Frankl, E. Fromm, J. Galbraith, etc.) authors about the essence of and the role of spirituality in the economic activities of people. Two key forms of spirituality are considered: secular (the idea of collectivism) and sacred (the idea of conciliarity) in the context of economic activity. The dialectic of spiritual production and the quality of human life is revealed.

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Stozhko, D. K. & Stozhko, K. P. (2024). THE SPIRITUAL FOUNDATIONS OF MODERN ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 3 (51), 19. https://doi.org/10.25688/2078-9238.2024.51.3.2
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