Home Releases 2022, №4 (44)


Philosophy of Culture , UDC: 177.7 DOI: 10.25688/2078-9238.2022.44.4.7


  • Shulga Elena Nikolayevna Doctor of Science (Philosophy)


To grasp the philosophical context of literary works can be helped by the methodology of philosophical interpretation, developed within the framework of modern philosophical hermeneutics, the principles of which contribute to the understanding of the text and its best interpretation. To understand the text means to extract the veritable meaning from the content of the entire work. The veritable meaning of a literary work can only be found in a thought correctly expressed, in an idea that is historically correct. Therefore, the interpreter must know well the biography of the author of the work, know the customs, manners of his era, national prejudices, the historical situation in which the author created and worked. Highly artistic literature, as a rule, has its own original style and content, but, most importantly, it carries a philosophical meaning. This allows us to talk about the philosophical context of literary works, figuring out the meaning of each word, a fragment of the text, finally, ascertaining the general intention of the work, including the audience for which this text was intended. What do fiction and philosophical texts have in common and what distinguishes them? How does the genre of dialogue turn out to be the forerunner of a philosophical text? Turning to the philosophical heritage, in particular, considering the practice of conducting oral conversation with its rhetoric, as it is presented in Socratic dialogues, we get an idea of the ways and methods of obtaining philosophical knowledge. At the same time, as shown in the article, the tradition that goes back to the practice of the spoken word in the matter of teaching is imprinted by Plato’s written dialogues. Reference to these texts is supplemented by consideration of issues related to the possibility of applying philosophical hermeneutics in the analysis of texts. The article provides a sample of hermeneutic analysis of the famous poem by Pushkin. Conclusions regarding the methodology of understanding and interpretation of texts are made.

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Shulga, E. N. (2022). PHILOSOPHICAL CONTEXT OF LITERARY WORKS: PROBLEM OF INTERPRETATION Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №4 (44), 77. https://doi.org/10.25688/2078-9238.2022.44.4.7
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