Home Releases 2022, №4 (44)


Social Philosophy , UDC: 141.319.8 DOI: 10.25688/2078-9238.2022.44.4.2


  • Kozhevnikova Margarita Nikolaevna Candidate of Philosophical Sciences


The concept of the project in the XX century entered the culture, into the wide spheres of theoretical thought and practice, in particular, in pedagogy and education, therefore, the phenomenon of the project, with its relevance, requires a more detailed understanding. In particular, this concerns the problem of correlating aesthetic (in the sense of sensual) and ethical dimensions in the project, since, with the growth of activism in modern life, the lack of clarity of this problem leads to increasingly tangible consequences for man and humanity, manifesting an immature state of mass consciousness (“people-children”) in a catastrophic — actions for the world. The presented study, in which the phenomenon of the project is analyzed within the framework of the theory of subjectivity anthropology developed by the author as one of the central ones for the experience of the adult human (Homo edultus), reveals the nature of this phenomenon, coming from relationships with another/Others; its causes; its difference from projection as a phenomenon inherent in immature consciousness — and thus, due to the identified special characteristics, is the next step in the development of the understanding of the project, compared with past interpretations (Heidegger, Sartre, Dewey, Arendt). In connection with the nature of the project, the unity of aesthetic and ethical dimensions embodied in it was revealed, despite the well-known inconsistency of these categories, analyzed by Kierkegaard and Huebner, achieved through the combination in its genesis of vital meaning serving the happiness of the person himself, and excess of others representing the side of the world. In solving the problem of contradiction, it is proposed to clarify the very essence of the ethical, which is defined by the social dimension, but is not identical to it, manifested to the maximum extent in the ethics of altruism. The ethical dimension is able to resist the social in projects in the conditions of an aggressive society of a totalitarian society.

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Kozhevnikova, M. N. (2022). THE PHENOMENON OF THE PROJECT IN A PERSON’S LIFE IS THE MEETING OF THE AESTHETIC (SENSUAL) AND ETHICAL CHANGES Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №4 (44), 20. https://doi.org/10.25688/2078-9238.2022.44.4.2
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