Home Releases 2022, №2 (42)


Philosophy of Culture , UDC: 130.33 DOI: 10.25688/2078-9238.2022.42.2.07


  • Isaev Andrey Viktorovich Candidate of Medical Sciences


The article attempts to comprehend the ethical ideas of A. Schweitzer in the context of modern philosophy and culture. His thoughts about the sanctity of life, about life as a metaphysical gift, are especially important and relevant in the context of modern culture and medicine, which are increasingly imbued with the spirit of pragmatism, dehumanization and greed. At the same time, the ambivalent nature of Schweitzer’s ethics, his radical biocentrism is emphasized, which creates certain difficulties in terms of extrapolating his ideas into the context of modern health-saving strategies. The article raises the question of the connection between the ontological principle of reverence for life and the ethical imperative of universal responsibility for it. It is noted that this connection can be fully realized in the context of Christian values, which for Schweitzer were the main ideological and spiritual source of his ethics.The article attempts to comprehend the ethical ideas of A. Schweitzer in the context of modern philosophy and culture. His thoughts about the sanctity of life, about life as a metaphysical gift, are especially important and relevant in the context of modern culture and medicine, which are increasingly imbued with the spirit of pragmatism, dehumanization and greed. At the same time, the ambivalent nature of Schweitzer’s ethics, his radical biocentrism is emphasized, which creates certain difficulties in terms of extrapolating his ideas into the context of modern health-saving strategies. The article raises the question of the connection between the ontological principle of reverence for life and the ethical imperative of universal responsibility for it. It is noted that this connection can be fully realized in the context of Christian values, which for Schweitzer were the main ideological and spiritual source of his ethics.

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Isaev, A. V. (2022). ETHICS OF REVERENCE FOR LIFE AS A MORAL RESOURCE OF THE INSTITUTE OF HEALTH SAVING Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №2 (42), 79. https://doi.org/10.25688/2078-9238.2022.42.2.07
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