- Vasiliev Vladimir Viktorovich PhD (History), Associate Professor
- Kozlovskaya Galina Efimovna Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
Problem and purpose. The concept of guaranteed existence is investigated in the context of the Soviet socio-political, economic and cultural systems. Cultural codes of Sovietness are considered as elements of the mechanism of regulatory influence on individual and collective unconscious and unconscious states that adapt a person to life in conditions of increasing social uncertainty. The thesis is substantiated according to which social uncertainty can be accommodated by a person to his existence not only through an appeal to cultural codes and images of the past.
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Vasiliev, V. V. & Kozlovskaya, G. E. (2022). THE CONCEPT OF GUARANTEED EXISTENCE AND SOCIAL UNCERTAINTY Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №1 (41), 8. 10.25688/2078-9238.2022.41.1.01
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