Home Releases 2018, №1 (25)

Russian Language and Its Communicative Role in the Modern World

The Social Role of Language , UDC: 811.161.1'27


  • Ksenofontov Vladimir Vladimirovich PhD (Philosophy), lecturer of the department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of Moscow. E-mail: kvvmvoky173@mail.ru

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Ksenofontov, V. V. (2018). Russian Language and Its Communicative Role in the Modern World Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2018, №1 (25),
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5. 5. Omarova Z.M. Rossiya i «Russkij mir» blizhnego zarubezh'ya: ucheb. posobie. M.: Vostok-Zapad, 2011. 168 s.
6. 6. Putin V.V. Poslanie Prezidenta Federal'nomu Sobraniyu 12 dekabrya 2012 goda // Patriotizm — nacional'naya idea Rossii. M.: Knizhny'j mir, 2017. 512 s. (Sluzhit' Rossii).
7. 7. TurgenevI.S. Russkij yazy'k // Sobr. soch.: v 12 t. T. 8. M.: Nayka, 1956. 502 s.
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