Home Releases 2017, №2 (22)

Pedagogical Potential of the Texts of Aristotle

To the 2400th Anniversary of Aristotle
1. Aristotel'. (Antologiya gumannoj pedagogiki). M.: Izd. Dom Shalvy' Amonashvili,
2. 222 s.
3. Davy'dov Yu.N. Iskusstvo kak sociologicheskij fenomen: K xarakteristike e'stetiko-politicheskix vzglyadov Platona i Aristotelya. M.: Nauka, 1968. 284 s.
4. Yummel'Sh. Aristotel' // My'sliteli obrazovaniya. T. 1. № 1-2. M., 1994. S. 85-86.
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