Home Releases 2020, №2 (34)

Digital Humanities in the Context of Modern Humanitarian Knowledge

The History of Ideas and Modernity , UDC: 009:004.9 DOI: 10.25688/2078-9238.2020.34.2.07
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4. Nikitin S.A., Avdonina M.Yu. Priemy' zapisi soobshheniya SMS: upodoblenie cifr bukvam russkogo yazy'ka // Indoevropejskoe yazy'koznanie i klassicheskaya filologiya. 2006. № 10. S 209-214.
5. Chernen'kaya S.V. Semioticheskie issledovaniya Gustava Shpeta // Gustav Shpet i ego filosofskoe nasledie: u istokov semiotiki i strukturalizma / nauch. red. T.G. Shhedrina. M.: ROSSPE'N, 2010. S. 446-453.
6. Chernen'kaya S.V. Tekst v cifrovom prostranstve kul tury' // Vestnik MGPU. Ser.: Filosofskie nauki. 2018. № 3 (27). S. 58-63.
7. Shul'ga E.N. Kognitivnaya germenevtika. M.: Institut filosofii RAN, 2002. 235 s.
8. Capurro R. Informationsethos und informationsethik — Gedankenzum verantwor-tungsvollen handeln im bereich der fachinformation [Information ethos and information ethics — Ideas to take responsible action in the field of information] // Nachrichten fur Dokumentation. 1988. № 39. S. 1-4.
9. Capurro R. Hermeneutics and the phenomenon of information // Mitcham I.C. Meta­physics, Epistemology and Technology. JAI JAI/Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2000. № 19. P. 79-85.
10. Manifesto for Digital Humanities, 2010 [E'lektronny'j resurs]. URL: http://www. humanitiesblast.com/ manifesto/Manifesto_V2.pdf (data obrashheniya: 30.03.2020).
11. The Digital Humanities Manifesto 2.0, 2009 [E'lektronny'j resurs]. URL: http://tcp. hypotheses.org/411 (data obrashheniya: 30.03.2020).
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